Automate Production, Enhance Productivity – Fresh Food Industry

Our partner, Ishida, is one of the world’s leading providers of automated weighing, packaging and quality control solutions. With Exhibitions being cancelled around the world, Ishida is launching a 4-part webinar series to discuss how automation has kept the food industry moving and how we can better prepare ourselves for future challenges. Each webinar will include a live debate covering subject topics with the ability for you to submit questions throughout. At the end of each webinar, our panellist will be answering the questions submitted, helping you to automate your production and enhance your productivity.
The first webinar in our automate production, enhance productivity series is about Fresh Food which talks about the many challenges Fish, Meat and Poultry, Salad and Ready Meal production face. This Webinar takes place on the 29th September at 10:00am (BST) with Dave Tiso, Managing Director opening the series with an update on how Ishida are coping during Covid-19.
If you can’t commit to any of these days but don’t want to miss out, register your interest and we will send you the on-demand copy once it has concluded.