Case Studies & White Papers

Case Study: Innovation on Dairy Product Line
Adding a second line, increasing throughput, & enhancing automation in a dairy product facility.

Whitepaper: Small Whitefish Processing
New and innovative method to profitably fillet and process small whitefish for human consumption.

Case Study: Irish Dog Foods
Increasing throughput and reducing cost per pack for leading manufacturer Irish Dog Foods

Whitepaper: Shellfish Handling
Reducing product damage during the washing, grading, and packing of shellfish.

Case Study: Rosie & Jim Packing Lines
Enhancing automation, increasing throughput, & improving conditions for workers.
Food Manufacturing Case Studies and Whitepapers
Case Studies
At SF Engineering, we partner with food manufacturers in all parts of the industry, including meat, fish, and poultry processors. We provide a comprehensive range of solutions and services, from full factory fit outs to single machines.
We work with companies in the food manufacturing sector across the world, including many of the largest food producers in the UK and Ireland. Our case studies provide in-depth information on some of the projects we have worked on to give you greater insight into the scope of our capabilities and the range of services that we offer.
Our case studies detail the objectives of the project as well as our approach to delivering the solution. We also highlight the outcomes and objectives that were achieved, including return on investment timescales. Download our food manufacturing case studies now.
We pride ourselves at SF Engineering on being at the cutting-edge of food manufacturing equipment solutions. We help food processors across all parts of the sector modernise their operations to address the challenges of today and take advantage of the opportunities of the future.
Our whitepapers focus on the latest thinking and best practices in the food manufacturing industry and are produced using our extensive knowledge of food manufacturing equipment and production, in addition to our extensive industry experience. Our whitepapers are free, so download them now.